Gros Mot is the bigger version of Petit Mot. This reclist offers VCV with CVVC elements to allow your UTAU to sing smoothly and easily in French. Warning, Gros Mot is not beginner friendly due to its size ; If you are interested in French but you don't want to handle such a heavy workload, I recommend starting with a smaller list than Gros Mot, like Petit Mot for example! However, if you want to suffer then rejoice! Gros Mot was brewed in France in the lovely county of Brittany, a ton of useful recording stuff is directly provided with the list and the list will be updated/fixed when necessary!
Here are some stats about Gros Mot:
is 900 samples long.
has 4050 oto entries.
has a custom guide BGM for OREMO.
has a base oto.
will eat you alive if you are not strong enough.