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Any recording program of your choice will do the trick! I like to use OREMO to spare me from slicing my recordings once they are done.


Official download: OSDN

Wine wrapper for macOS: UTAForum

Mac native English translation: UTAForum


Begin by downloading everything you will need on the download page.

The Basic reclist contains the CVVC part of the reclist, including the vowels string in CV. An UTAU will be 100% functional with this list alone. The Extra reclist contains the CC part and vowel strings in VCV. This list is optional. However, I recomend recording at least the CCs, they can be extremely useful in French.

Setting up Oremo

Your local will need to be set to Japan in order to use OREMO.

To do that:

- Go to "Control Panel"

- Click on "Clock, Language and Region"

- Click on "Region and Language"

- Click on the "Administrative" tab

- Click on the "Change system locale" button

- Set your locale on "Japanese (Japan)"

- Restart your computer

Now OREMO can install and run properly on your computer!

Once this is done, open OREMO.

To open a reclist, click on "File" and then on "Load voice list". Now you need to set up a folder where your recordings will go. Click on "File" then "Set Recording Folder" and select your VB's folder.

Now click on "Show" an tick the following options:

- "Show waveform"

- "Show Spectrum"

- "Show Power"

- "Show F0"

Then click on "Option" and then "Recording Style Settings". Tick the option called "Automatic recording 1". On the "Guide Music File" line you will click on the folder icon in order to select your desired Guide BGM. You can hit "Test play" to see if the Guide BGM is working fine.

Now click on "Options" and then "Advanced Settings". Here you can tweak a bunch of parameters but I will focus on the "Fix Display Area" and "Show Target Tone" region. Start by ticking  both of these regions.

In the "Fix Display Area" region, you can choose which notes you want to see. Just select an interval.

In the "Show Target Tone" region, you can select the pitch at which you want to record your voicebank as. A red line will appear on the piano roll to indicate this pitch.

You are now set up to start your recordings!

How to read Petit Mot

First of all, here is the pronounciation guide.

Petit Mot should be recorded like you would for a CVVC reclist. The ony quirk of the reclist is the vowels strings and the consonant clusters.

For the vowels in the Basic reclist, they should be recorded with a stop between each vowels. This stop is represented by a "_". In the Extra reclist, they should be recorded like any VCV string. Of course, you will have to choose wich vowels strings to record: the hard way with the VCV strings, or the easy way with the CV strings.

The consonant clusters should be recorded with a stop between each clusters. Also, I highly recomend that you add the vowel [ee] after the clusters. [ee] is a very common vowel in french and the CC can be easily used as CCV elements for a smoother result.

Setting up Oremo
How to read Mot
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