Happy 3rd birthday Armor! 2 new voicebanks and a UST
I haven't been the most active last year. Drawing has taken up a large amount of my time and energy and doing stuff with UTAU require a...
New beta voicebank for Armor!
This a new, better version of the FRA CORE V.2 voicebank! Less whispery and correct oto configuration. #armor #update #voicebank
New voicebank available: Armor's Head Voice extension voicebank
I released it quietly yesterday, I don't think it deserves a whole demo! #armor #voicebank #update
New look for the website.
It's been a while since I wanted to change the website. I was hoping to get it done for Armor's birthday but my exams decided otherwise....

Happy first birthday Armor!
It's been one year since I've released the very first voicebank for Armor. I remember that people really liked them, even with the...
Changes were made in the Terms of Uses.
I wrote a new version of the ToU. The old one did not match with my current desires regarding my voicebanks and characters. I hope this...

Armor got a new french voicebank & a new french reclist!
Everything you will need to know about Mot, my new reclist, is avaible on this very website! #update #armor #voicebank

Toto's demo is now available!
As usual, the demo for Toto is available on this website. Have fun with Toto! #Toto #update #demo

Armor's multipitch voicebank is here
I finished it! It's finished! aaa I hope you will have a great time with this voicebank! I know it's not perfect but I am pretty proud of...