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Armor's multipitch voicebank is here

I finished it! It's finished! aaa

I hope you will have a great time with this voicebank! I know it's not perfect but I am pretty proud of it.

Here's an excerpt of the readme file:

■GENERAL INFORMATIONS Recording style: VCV Language: Japanese Reclist : KLAD's Insanity reclist Oto: Melomad Voice provider: Melomad Voice manager: Melomad

■CORE VOICEBANK Recommended resamplers: moresampler, tn_fnds, EFB-GT, TIPS & vs4u. Pitch: C4, F4, A#4, D#5.

-> End breaths: [a R] [e R] [i R] [o R] [u R]. -> Global stops: [あ ・] [え ・] [い ・] [お ・] [う ・].

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